Our tax-law practice is developed through advice, planning and litigation for individuals, corporations, non-profit entities, and others. We provide counseling and judicial representation for our clients regarding national tax authorities and sub-national divisions, as well as before judges, low and high courts.
The Firm has advised the highest executive and legislative authorities on public finance issues. Our clients include both private and public entities. The services provided by us are related to royalties caused by the exploitation of natural resources, non-tax public income, and national tax-planning.
We advise and represent clients on tax-issues, foreign-exchange and commercial-law requirements for the importation and exportation of capitals. For purposes of providing the best service, we work tête-à-tête with a wide network of professionals and firms.
Our Firm has participated in national and international corporate reorganization transactions by drafting contracts and elaborating due diligence evaluations on tax matters.
Our practice focuses on filing and litigating of claims of unconstitutionality before the national Constitutional Court. Likewise, we provide legal accompaniment on nullity claims before administrative judicial authorities against acts issued by the public tax administration authorities.
We provide advisement on family-law related issues, for individuals and family-owned corporations. We draft family-wealth protocols, advise our clients on the granting of wills and represent them in probate processes. Additionally we draft pre-nuptial agreements and assist our clients in cases of divorce, in order to guarantee the stability and proper management of the estate at all times.
A year ago, our Firm launched a new practice that is aimed to advise athletes, sports entities (professional and amateur) and companies interested in investing or sponsoring sports practice. We review and draft commercial contracts, and also provide planning to make the professional athletes’ career more efficient in terms of taxation.