Founding/ Managing Partner – Languages: Spanish, Italian and English
J.D. – Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario (1979)
LL.D., Doctor of Law – Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
LL. D., Doctor of Law (H.C.) – Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Professor with more than 30 years of experience in universities in Colombia, Italy, France, Argentina, among others.
Besides his private practice Mr. Plazas has also been appointed as Advisor and General Coordinator for Tax Harmonization in matters of indirect taxes of the Andean Community – CAN.
Mr. Plazas has more than 30 years of professional experience in advising and representing Colombian and foreign clients, both public and private. In addition, he has served as an Associate Judge of the Colombian Constitutional Court and is currently an Associate Judge of the Colombian Council of State. He is also a List A Arbitrator for Administrative and Commercial Law at the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce
Professional Associations, Memberships and Academic Recognitions
- Academia Colombiana de Jurisprudencia – Full Member
- Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Tributario (ICDT) – Former President and Honorary Member
- Instituto Latinoamericano de Derecho Tributario (ILADT) – Former President
- Associazione Italiana per il Diritto Tributario Latino-Americano – Associato Onorario.
- Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (Venezuela) – Foreign Corresponding Member.
- Asociación venezolana de Derecho Tributario – Foreign Corresponding Member.
- Asociación Argentina de Estudios Fiscales – Foreign Honorary Member.
- Asociación Rosarista – Outstanding Graduate.
- TRIBUTE Foundation for International Tax Dispute Resolution – Member.
- Rivista di Diritto e Prattica Tributaria Internazionale (Milán, ITA) – Miembro del Comité Científico.
- Scientific Coordinator of the publication “del derecho de la hacienda pública al derecho Tributario”, homage to Professor Andrea Amatucci, Bogotá Di Napolis, Bogotá, Temis, 2011, Jovenne Editore, Università Degli Estudi Di Napoli Fedrico II.
- Revista di Diritto Tributario Internazionale (International Tax Review – Università Sapienza di Roma) – Member of the Scientific Committee.
- Corporación José Ignacio de Márquez – Winner of the XXI Contest on Economic Law for the essay Reflexiones sobre el Activismo de la Corte Constitucional en Colombia (2009).
- Instituto Rosarista de Acción Social Rafael Arenas Ángel – SERES- de la Universidad del Rosario – Director.
The following are some of the most important works of our Founding/ Managing Partner. To see the complete list of his publications, please click on this link: El impuesto sobre el valor agregado IVA, Bogotá, Temis (3ra Edición. 2015)
- El liberalismo y la teoría de los tributos, Bogotá, Temis (1995).
- Derecho Tributario Comunitario: La armonización tributaria en el sistema andino de integración, Bogotá, Legis (2001).
- Ill Conceptto Di Tributo alla luce del Raportto Tra Ildirictto Finanziario ed Illdiritto Tributario e tra ill Dirictto Comunitario ed Illdiricto Nazionale, Milano, Giuffétt (2003).
- Illdiri dela Finanza Pubblica e ill Dirictto Tributario, Tradoctto da Andrea Amatucci, Napoli, Jovenne Editore, Università Degli Estudi Di Napoli Fedrico II, 2009.
- Del Realismo al Trialismo Jurídico, Bogotá, Temis (2009).
- La Codificación Tributario, Universidad del Rosario (2012).
- Historia de las Ideas Políticas y Jurídicas, Vol. I a V, Bogotá, Temis (2014).
- Impuesto sobre el valor Agregado IVA, Bogotá, Temis (2015).
- Hacienda Pública y Posconflicto en Colombia, Bogotá, Temis (2015)
- Derecho de la Hacienda Pública y Derecho Tributario, Tomos I y II, Bogotá, Temis (3ra Edición. 2017)
- El sistema tributario del siglo XXI, Bogotá, Temis (2018).